Advertise on the Parker Colorado Community & Business Directory
Very low rates for a BIG increase in visibility for your business
Compare our advertising rates to traditional print, local magazines, and yellow-page advertising. You get more bang for your buck on the Parker Community and Business Directory.
Free listings for Non-profits
- Non-Profit organizations are given a free link. We appreciate a link back to the Parker CO Directory if possible.
Link Listings on the Parker Colorado Business Directory
- Basic Listing $50 one-time fee for Name of Business, Address & Phone Number.
- Simple Business Listing – $100/annual includes business name, short description with address, Phone & highlights, and a link to your website.
- Sponsor a page Premium Business Listing $400/year includes your logo, description of your services, and multiple links to your website and social media or other links. (For Example, see the Real Estate Advertisers)
Main Page Best of Parker banner advertising (Your Image)
- Large All site top banner Advertising ($300 per quarter or $1000/year paid in advance.) Links to your website.
- Banner Advertising (All Pages & posts) 300 x 300 ($125 per quarter or $450/year in advance)
Link ad all pages $100/quarter or $350/ year in advance
Every new advertiser receives the social blast described below.
Why should you advertise on Best of Parker Colorado?
Often Page 1 GOOGLE SEARCH for Parker Colorado Search words. Check it out yourself! What does that mean to you? People will see your business.
Best of Parker gets 10,000 – 25,000 page views per month from people looking for services in the Parker, Castle Rock, Franktown, Elizabeth, Lone Tree, and the Denver Metro area. It has been a Town of Parker fixture since 1999 and it’s not going anywhere.
Would you like to be a featured business or service on Best of Parker? Want to get started? Contact us below.
Need to get the word out about an event?
Check out our SOCIAL MEDIA BLAST! $99
Have an event that needs a social media boost? We have a large reach in the Denver Metro area. The Social Media Blast includes:
- Facebook 7500+ Fans
- Twitter 12,000 Followers
- LinkedIn 1500+
- Pinterest 7300 Fans
- Instagram 2300 Followers
Note: All new advertisers get a complimentary Social Media Blast upon receipt of payment.
This Web Site is known as a “local content site.” A site that contains information about a community or location. Local content sites are a great advertising approach to knowing that you’re really reaching the people who are interested in using your products and services in your area of town.