Find something sweet at the Annual Honey Festival!
Honey Festival Sunday, August 2025, 9-1
The annual Town of Parker Honey Festival is buzzing its way back for another BEE-utiful event. Bring your family and enjoy this free community event while learning about the benefits of the honeybee.
Bee a Guest
- See hives and how bees make honey
- Learn from local beekeepers
- Learn how bees and other insects help your garden grow
- Create honeybee crafts
- Try on a beekeeper’s suit
- Sample honey
- Enter a drawing to win bee-friendly plants
- Enter a drawing to win a beekeeping starter kit
- Take home oodles of beekeeping materials to build your own hive and harvest honey like a pro!
Bee Events in the Gazebo
- 9:30 – 9:50 a.m. How to become a beekeeper
- 10:00 – 10:00 a.m. Storytime
- 10:30 – 10:50 a.m. Native Bees
- 11:00 – 11:10 a.m. Storytime
- 11:30 – 11:50 a.m. Pollinators
- 12:00 – 12:30 p.m. Jeapor”bee”
Bee Friendly Exhibitors
Wander the festival grounds and talk to local beekeepers selling local honey and other products from the hive. Beekeepers are always eager to share their knowledge and passion for their craft. Natural Grocers will be on hand to educate you on the healthy properties of natural honey. Tagawa Gardens will be there with bee-friendly plants to raffle. Taste delicious treats made with honey by the Parker Arts Chef. Pick up a free honey stick and learn about Parker’s Cultural and Scientific Commission. Find health and beauty products made with honey and beeswax. Learn about the vital role of honey bees and other pollinators in the production of our food. Check out the local beekeeping club, the Southeast Beekeepers, and find out how to join this group if you aspire to be a beekeeper. More than 20 exhibitors and vendors are expected to participate in the Honey Festival.
Bee Involved!
Your organization or business can participate in the Honey Festival. We are looking for event vendors to provide information, products, and services. Vendors include but are not limited to beekeeping clubs and organizations, environmental and gardening resources, beekeeping and harvesting products, honey products, beekeeping demonstrations and hands-on activities, and various supporting agencies.
For questions or additional information please contact Lindsay Bagby, Event Coordinator – Town of Parker Cultural Department, at 303.805.3379 or lbagby@parkeronline.org.
To participate in the Honey Festival as an exhibitor or vendor, please submit an online Exhibitor & Vendor Application.
A $20 exhibitor & vendor application is required if accepted. Fees are payable via check made to the Town of Parker or by credit card via the online application process.
Parker Loves Bees!
Parker joined the ranks of Colorado municipalities to allow and promote urban beekeeping with the adoption of a new Town ordinance on Oct. 11, 2015. Click here to learn more about the Town of Parker beekeeping ordinance.
This event coincides with the ever-popular Parker Farmers Market which runs from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Click here to learn more about bee-friendly plants
About the Annual Honey Festival
The Parker Cultural Department and Cultural and Scientific Commission present this annual Honey Festival in celebration of the Honey Bee and all the benefits it brings to the community. The event is designed to heighten awareness and appreciation while providing educational information and resources regarding the Honey Bee, honey products and beekeeping, and the global importance of all pollinating insects. This free event allows guests of all ages to speak with local beekeepers, organizations and vendors to learn the process of beekeeping and harvesting honey; in addition to receiving educational material and honey recipes, purchasing bee-friendly plants, test a bee keeper’s suite, and see live working hives.