The Farmers Market in Parker celebrates its 15th Year on Mainstreet
Opening date Sunday – Mother’s Day every year

HOURS 8-1 (or sold out)
Parker Farmers Market is held Sundays from Mother’s Day through Mid-October on Mainstreet.
The road is closed to through traffic from 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Vendors prefer cash but many do accept local checks with I.D.
This market attracts a large and noisy crowd with lots of options for supporting local growers and artisans.
Among the treasures you’ll find each week are:
- fresh vegetables
- fresh fruit
- fresh and homemade salsa
- flowers
- herbs
- baked goods
- fresh bread
- meats
- dog treats
- pasta
- cosmetics
- crafts
- and new vendors each week
If you are hungry the Farmers Market can help you out.
You’ll enjoy ready-made foods like breakfast burritos, quesadillas, samples of food, wine tasting, middle eastern food, Mexican, American, and of course don’t forget to stop at Fika Coffee for your favorite caffeinated beverage.
The Town of Elizabeth has a Farmers Market as well.
It runs from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. June through September at the corner of Highway 86 and Main Street in Elizabeth.